April 2024

Spring has sprung

There has never been a more important time for the church to be the church and live out the transforming love of Christ Jesus.
 Climate change is now impacting our local communities, congregations, and their ministries in a myriad of ways including financially, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Yet, throughout the Bible, we are told that the earth is the Lord’s and therefore holy, and we are called to care for and learn from creation (Genesis 2.15, Ps. 24.1, Job 12.7-10), and to care for “the least of these among us” (Matthew 25) which includes the earth.
In these times, we need to remind ourselves and each other of the power and impact of the local church. Churches play an enormous role in supporting community needs, particularly for the most vulnerable. Close community connections mean that we know the critical needs of our communities and we respond.

With the challenges of our times come incredible opportunities to be the church in new and innovative ways, living out the gospel in our local communities. New churches are called to find unique ways to care for the earth and all who depend on it as dictated by the location and context.
Read more.

   –  Rev. Carol Devine, Co-Minister of Green Chalice


When it comes to church, we have a lot of negative tapes playing in our heads:
“Church is judgmental.”
“Church is hypocritical.”
“They think they’re better than everyone else.”
It’s time for restoration. Time to rewind the tape.
Like our ancestors, we’re going back to the beginning, when new Christian communities gathered and shared all they had, organizing everything around the Spirit’s dreams for their lives and their communities.
Yesterday, today, and tomorrow, God is singing a new song: not a song of judgment, but of welcome and forgiveness; not a song of superiority, but of humility and grace; not a song of hoarding, but of sharing everything we have!
God’s movement for wholeness is already underway. Our job is to listen, and learn, and follow – supporting leaders and communities as the Spirit calls them into being, laying down a new song for a new generation.
Church as a place of generosity and justice. Church as a movement for wholeness in a fragmented world.
Your gifts to the Pentecost Offering are divided equally between your regional ministry, which supports local new churches, and New Church Ministry, which trains, equips, assists, and multiplies emerging and affiliating leaders to be “movement initiators.”

    What does contemplative action look like in our daily lives? Join Rev. Brian Frederick-Gray, Director of Justice and Advocacy Ministries for the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in the United States and Canada and host Rev. Dr. Jose Martinez, Minister of New Church Strategies, for an IMPACT webinar that explores this core competency of DisciplesNEXT, its connections to spiritual formation, and what it has to do with New Church! Sign up.
      Save the date!

      We are excited to announce that Leadership Academy will be held at Meizon Church in Gainesville, FL this year! Join us in person Tuesday, October 22nd to Friday, October 25th or later online for an event that will jump start your ministry, whether you’re the leader or core team of an established congregation or just thinking about forming a community of faith. Undergraduate and seminary students, ecumenical partners, and lay leaders are more than welcome to participate. Stay tuned for registration details coming this summer!
        To access the full Water the Plants prayer list, become a prayer intercessor, or submit a prayer request, visit our website.
        Join the DCEF team!

        Do you want to have a career that helps congregations thrive and transform communities? If so, then apply to work at Disciples Church Extension Fund (DCEF)! This general ministry of the denomination provides mission-forward building and capital planning services. DCEF is currently searching for a Director of Financial Services, a Financial Services Representative, and New Beginnings Assessors and Facilitators/Coaches. Learn more.

          Where We're Going

          5/2-5/4 | Rev. Dr. Jose Martinez at the Florida Regional Assembly

          What We're Thinking About

          Becoming Antiracist